Thursday, December 20, 2012

Properly Prepared Teachers

The interviewing process can be very exciting. Getting an interview for a desired job can be a time of great joy. Most people will want to be well prepared for the interview. They will research the job description, research the company, and painstakingly find what to wear. They will "clean themselves up". Some will practice in a mirror. Some will be nervous (but a good nervous). Some will be nervous (and it's not a good nervous). No matter what nerves are there, the interview still has to take place to get the job. Most people will dress appropriately for an interview. Preparation can begin weeks in advance. Those who are prepared tend to do better in the interview process.

How great would it be if all our Bible class teachers took the same approach? What if we had members who haven't taught classes step up and take on this great responsibility?

Some do and their teaching is admired. We need more people ready to teach. Sometimes it's out of our comfort zone, but teaching class is a great opportunity that needs to be taken. I have the blessed opportunity to work with a dear friend on a class he's teaching. We get together early in the week and go over what his class will be. We brain storm. We throw ideas around. He has the rest of the week to think about how he can apply that to the class. Confidence has improved his teaching. He's preparing to answer questions. Researching his topics. Trying to find ways to effectively share what he has learned. He has a love for the Lord and isn't afraid to step out of his comfort zone and try to help his Brothers and Sisters in Christ by teaching.

While there is a great difference in an interview and teaching a class, the preparation can be similar. Hosea 4:6 states, "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge..." We need members of the Lord's church who are ready to take the challenge to teach. Teaching can be uncomfortable. But if you think about it, you may be teaching all the time and not realize it. We have Christians who will train people at their work places, who will teach in a school setting, or who know their trade so well they can share it with someone who asks. If we look at Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 we read, "My son, beware of anything beyond these. Of making many books there is no end, and much study is a weariness of the flesh. The end of the matter; all has been heard. Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man." There are going to be many things that have been written or taught that will not have any eternal ramifications. We, as Christians, should be striving to teach from the most important book there is, The Bible.

Let us take skills we have been blessed with and try to apply those to teaching. You may be able to reach someone with your teaching that hasn't been reached before. You could be the key to helping someone in their spiritual walk. Are you ready to take the step to be that help? Are you willing to diligently prepare a class? The difference is, this isn't an interview for a temporary, earthly job...this is a matter of souls. 

It can take some "getting used to", but the effort will be worth it. Sharing the Truth of the Word (2 Timothy 3:16-17) will result in good. These Three Words...Properly Prepared Teachers can make a positive impact on congregations. Properly Prepared Teachers can help share knowledge of the Truth. Properly Prepared Teachers can "get the job done".  Picture taken from:

1 comment:

  1. Don't stop blogging people need to hear what you have to say.
